World Policy Newsletter, Week of April 10th

Welcome to World Policy’s weekly newsletter, featuring the latest news from across our major platforms—media, programming, and fellowship.

Around the World


After last week’s grisly attack on Garissa University College in Kenya left 148 dead, Mwaura Samora takes a closer look at al-Shabab, the terrorist group responsible for it. He argues that al-Shabab’s militant presence has created a hostile environment for Somalis living in the heart of Kenya today.

Meanwhile, with the announcement of a tentative nuclear framework agreement with Iran, we revisit a World Policy Journal exclusive conversation with Ali Akbar Salehi, now head of Iran’s nuclear program, who outlines the role he thinks his country should play in global affairs. Then former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense William Beecher examines how this framework will impact Obama’s foreign policy legacy for years to come.
Concurrently, the U.S. State Department has sent a formal recommendation to the White House urging President Obama to remove Cuba from the terrorism watch list. Lissa Weinmann and Jordan Clifford argue why such a designation should never have been given to the island nation south of Miami.

Finally, in this week’s episode of World Policy on Air, Professor ZiauddinSardar joins host David Alpern to tackle the question of what it means to be a Muslim in the 21st century. Together they examine the future of the monotheistic religion in a world increasingly embracing plurality of ideas and diversity of thought.


Around the Institute

On Monday March 23, 2015, World Policy Institute hosted formerPresident of Mexico, Vicente Fox. In this private event, President Fox shared histhoughts on his historic presidency, how it shaped his nation’s economic strategy, and his current quest to make his country a hub for technology. For the full recap of the event, click here.

As the U.S. prepares to assume chairmanship of the Arctic Council later this month, World Policy Institute, in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Canadian Embassy, will host its next Arctic Deeply Roundtable. The rapid receding of Arctic ice has created social, economic, and environmental challenges with global consequences demanding critical and collaborative leadership. Next week’s roundtable in Washington, D.C. will feature U.S. Senior Arctic Official Julia Gourley on Arctic energy and sustainable growth.

And, finally, the Bard Globalization and International Affairs Program presents “Central Asian Reactions to the Ukraine Crisis: Treading a Fine Line," an evening discussion with Emil Joroev, associate professor of International and Comparative Politics, American University of Central Asia. Monday, April 13, 6:15pm. Space is limited; RSVPs are required to attend. The address will be provided in your registration confirmations. RSVP to [email protected].


From the Fellows 

Alon Ben-Meir examines why Iran, not ISIS, is the greatest modern menace in his latest blog for Huffington Post.

Former World Policy Journal editor Karl Meyer and his wife Shareen Blair Brysac were recently interviewed in The New York Times about their new book, “The China Collectors: America’s Century-Long Hunt for Asian Art Treasures.”

In his newest post for Polarizing Political Economy, Jim Nolt explains the role of bills as powerful instruments of credit.

And Kim Taipale will be speaking on “Technology, National Security, and Privacy” at the 6th Annual Asia Leadership Conference in Seoul, Korea on May 18-19, 2015.



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[Lead photo courtesy of Dan Kori]

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