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World Policy Newsletter, Week of September 4th

Around the World

Global stock markets seem to have stabilized in the last week since China’s economic health came into question. Economist James H. Nolt explains how the common reference to this volatility as a simple “market correction” may downplay the extent of the problem of over-valued assets worldwide.
And, in Brazil, thousands of people are marching in protest once again as the scandal surrounding nationally-owned oil company Petrobas grows to encompass officials at the highest levels of government. As those in the streets question their politicians’ ability to serve, Renato Flores examines how a nation at an economic crossroads can reclaim the path toward prosperity.
Meanwhile, the recently released documentary “A Gay Girl in Damascus” tells the story of how spunky lesbian blogger Amina Arraf was in fact a fraud. Ellie Lightfoot argues that the documentary’s narrative focus ultimately prevents a more intelligent discussion on Arraf’s broader applications.

Finally, in this week’s episode of World Policy On Air, Jas Singh discusses how the Bharatiya Janata Party’s landslide victory in the 2014 elections has precipitated a revival of Hindu nationalism and extremists’ targeting of minority groups in the world’s largest democracy. He suggests the BJP and its affiliates could bring about drastic changes in a country that has long claimed to be pluralistic and inclusive.

Around the Institute

This week, World Policy Institute at Loyola Marymount University launched its newest blog vertical, Left Coast Perspectives, which serves as a link between Loyola Marymount’s mission to encourage learning and promote justice, and the World Policy Institute’s mission to identify critical emerging issues and give voice to global perspectives and innovative solutions. In the inaugural blog, Michael Genovese weighs the advantages and disadvantages of states with fused executive and legislative bodies.
On Tuesday September 16, 2015, Arctic Deeply and the World Policy Institute, in collaboration with Guggenheim Partners and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, will be hosting a roundtable titled “Asia and the Arctic: Where Things Stand.” The discussion will focus on the dawn of Arctic energy exploration and how Asian nations are faring amid the rapid change. Featured speakers include Parag Khanna, Senior Research Fellow at NUS, Singapore; Andreas Osthagen, Director of the Arctic Institute; Bertel Heurlin, Professor of European Security and Integration at UCPH; Cheng Baozhi, Research Fellow at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies; Mika Mered of Polarisk Consulting in France; and Mia Bennett of the Department of Geography at UCLA. Event is by invitation only.

Fellow Updates

Elmira Bayrasli’s new book, From The Other Side of The World: Extraordinary Entrepreneurs, Unlikely Places, which profiles seven entrepreneurs from seven countries overcoming seven obstacles, will be released on Tuesday Sept. 8. She will be speaking about her book Thursday Sept. 10 at Civil Hall, 156 Fifth Ave, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10010. To attend, RSVP here.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat writes for CNN about why a photograph of a drowned Syrian toddler on a Turkish beach has had such a powerful resonance around the world.
Jonathan Cristol explains to MUNPlanet why the greatest threat to global security is the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Michael Genovese talks to CBS about the American political phenomenon that is Donald Trump. He then discusses with Psychology Today his latest book, The Future of Leadership, which argues that a good leader is able to adapt to changing circumstances and is willing to seek multilateral solutions.
Andrew Reding examines in Semana the critical role that the United Nations is playing in weeding out corruption at Guatemala’s highest levels of government. (in Spanish)



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[Photos courtesy of Jordi Bernabeu Farrus and Pixabay]

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