Infographic: The Transition to Renewables

By World Policy Journal

Fossil fuels, nuclear, and renewable energy sources are the major players in the global market of energy supply and demand—each with their advantages and drawbacks. Israeli scientists David Andelman and Guy Deustcher delve into the predicaments surrounding renewables, and what these problems mean for the future of the energy industry in the latest issue of World Policy Journal

According to these scientists, renewable energy sources offer numerous advantages, yet the notion that they can become our principal energy source is largely a fiction unless adequate electricity storage and transmission are provided. The following infographic presents some of the most stark facts from their article, “Kicking the Oil Addiction: Fact & Fiction." These facts indicate that carbon levels have increased exponentially over the last few decadesand demand immediate attention if their disastrous impacts are to be contained.



Online infrographic produced by Will Becker, editorial assistant at World Policy Journal. 

[Original infographic designed by Meehyun Nam-Thompson]

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