
Anatomy: Chinese Investment in South America

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From the Winter 2015/16 Issue “Latin America On Life Support?

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Trade between China and Latin America has grown from $12 billion in 2000 to $289 billion in 2013. In 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to invest $250 billion in Latin America over the next decade. World Policy Journal examines this evolving relationship through the lens of Chinese foreign direct investment and loans in six countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. A focus is placed on the imbalanced trade relationship and key investment industries such as mining and oil.



Compiled by Liza Kane-Harnett and Joseph Naeem
Designed by Meehyun Nam-Thompson
Sources: Americas Society/Council of the Americas, The Inter-American Dialogue, The Guardian, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal

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