Above: An official artist’s rendering of King Abdullah Economic City, a planned development in Saudi Arabia.
Towards A Broader Conception Of Self-Interest
[The website openDemocracy recently asked a group of writers and thinkers to answer the following question: What are the sources of inspiration that can improve global and national prospects in 2011?
The Future of the City: Balancing Competition and Accountability
[Editor's note: The theme of the Winter 2010-2011 issue of World Policy Journal is “Megalopolis: The City of the 21st Century.” We asked experts, policymakers, and writers from around the world to answer this question: “In the future, what will our cities look like?” This is the first of two responses we rece
WikiLeaks and Latin America: New Revelations, Same Policies
[Above: President Barack Obama greets Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the Summit of the Americas in 2009. Image courtesy of Flickr user vaXzine]
By Robert Valencia